Today, retail security challenges include everything from organized retail crime to criminal flash mobs, from crowd management to disaster recovery—not to mention everyday issues such as alarm outages, routine shoplifting, and employee theft. The simple term “loss prevention” has expanded to encompass all these challenges, as well as store openings and closings, renovations, local disturbances, and natural disasters.
In this issue of The Cambridge Security Journal, we take a close look at the changing loss-prevention landscape and how today’s security professionals are adapting to prevent criminal activity and keep people safe, while they remain focused on protecting what is often a razor-thin profit margin for retailers, large and small.
To get your copy of The Cambridge Security Journal, visit www.cambridgesecurityservices.com/the-cambridge-security-journal.
The next issue of The Cambridge Security Journal will be published in January 2016, and will cover security for residential real estate security. If you’re not on our email list, please sign up at: www.cambridgesecurityservices.com/the-cambridge-security-journal.
To read more about our retail security services, please visit the retail security services section of our website: http://cambridgesecurityservices.com/wp2/retail-security/