Security for Healthcare Facilities
Hospital security
Healthcare facilities today must provide reasonable security measures to maintain a safe atmosphere and to prevent theft, abductions, and the potential for injuries. Patients, public, and staff must feel safe and secure within the hospital grounds.
At Cambridge Security our healthcare officers are ready in the event of an emergency or disaster; they are properly trained and prepared to perform their job. Our security officers meet or exceed the IAHSS training standards. We have been through many JCAHO inspections, infant abduction, and disaster drills, along with restraint without pain.
Our healthcare managers take a proactive stance and plan with your organization to implement measures that will prevent security breaches and eliminate the potential for unwanted occurrences. Let us provide an assessment of your hospital security program to ensure that adequate protection is being provided.
Assisted Living / Retirement Residences / Veterans Homes / Adult Day Care
The potential for security litigation in an assisted living setting is compounded by the general atmosphere of the healthcare industry. Your employees are helpful and nurturing people focused on providing patient care, and may not be aware of security threats.
Let Cambridge Security show you how to prevent patients, visitors, and staff, from becoming victims of crime. Our plan will maintain an open-campus atmosphere, and provide the controls and the checks and balances required in today’s environment. Our healthcare officers are specially trained for your facilities. Training covers first aid, CPR, and universal precautions, such as gloves and masks to protect against blood borne pathogens. Our officers are well prepared to handle any security situation that may arise.
Nursing Homes
The specialized care necessary in nursing homes requires caregivers undivided attention. The role of security for the facility must be assigned to people who are specially trained and dedicated to this task. Cambridge Security offers well trained, well prepared officers to handle the specialized needs of your nursing home at an affordable price.
Mental Health Facilities
Knowledge, skills, and training are essential elements for anyone working in a mental health facility. Cambridge Security provides officers with the credentials and training for responding to any security issue that might arise at a mental health facility. Our officers are well versed in customer service techniques, as they are typically one of the first responders to a situation, and can deter any additional escalation resulting from a situation. Let us create a program for you.