Schools and colleges are facing the same campus security challenges as they always have, plus a number of new ones reflecting the world we live in. It’s evident in the metal detectors in use at so many schools, the lock-down drills that are becoming routine, the use of specialized counseling to support students, and the growing use of sworn officers to keep everyone safe.
In this issue, we focus on school and campus security as we take a look at “How Safe Are Our Schools,” considering what the statistics can tell us about the security challenges today’s schools face and the ways in which they are working to meet those challenges. We talk to a Cambridge vice president with extensive Homeland Security experience about how schools should think about the unthinkable: an active shooter on campus. Finally, we explore the latest frontier in school security: students’ extensive and constantly changing use of social media.
However, we start with a much happier subject: the security surrounding President Obama’s speech at Rutgers University’s recent commencement.
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