Cambridge Security is headed to The Cooperator Expo New York—The Everything Co-op, Condo & Apt Expo, this Wednesday at the New York Hilton. Find our team of residential and commercial building security experts in Booth 112, welcoming board and association members, property managers and supervisors, and building owners from the greater New York area. Come say hello, and bring your toughest security questions and challenges! Cambridge Security will provide you with a free on-site analysis, including a review of your current safety program along with our expert recommendations, and a competitively priced estimate.
Cambridge Security, a national security services company, got its start more than 30 years ago, providing residential security services to buildings and communities in New York City. Since our founding, our goals have remained the same: to develop and implement security measures to protect residents and property, while creating a welcoming, pleasant atmosphere for the clients we serve, including residents, visitors and service providers.
Cambridge Security’s residential security team offers services such as doormen, concierge and lobby receptionists, parking lot security and more. In addition, we offer card access systems, electronic surveillance, and alarm response services, capable of verifying alarms and alerting emergency response units. To learn more about our Residential Security Services, please click here.
Our building security services also include commercial properties in the greater NYC area, helping building owners and supervisors to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for their tenants and visitors. From courteous visitor management in the lobby to CCTV security systems throughout the building, and patrols throughout the grounds or parking lots, our security teams are efficient, professional and thorough. For more information on our Commercial Real Estate Security services, please click here.
Can’t attend The Cooperator Expo New York? Contact John McGee, Vice President, for information about our residential and commercial building security services: 866-645-1682.