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Don’t miss your chance to join attendees—who work in all levels of government (local, state, and federal), emergency management, property management and security.
Share your community’s best practices and expertise with colleagues to contribute to the advancement of your community’s’ security.
Build partnerships with life-saving agencies to strengthen your community’s capacity in the face of emerging threats.
Join us on April 22 to hear from Emergency Managers, Experts and Public Executives on the 2020 Hurricane season.
April 22, 2020
9:00 – 9:30
Jay Alpert, Cambridge Security Services
Director of Security Admiral’s Cove
9:30 – 10:45
Warning Coordination Meteorologist, NOAA National Weather Service
Robert Molleda has worked for the National Weather Service (NWS) since 1991, and has served as the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the NWS’s Weather Forecast Office in Miami, Florida since 2005. Molleda has worked as a marine forecaster and Hurricane Support Meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center. Molleda’s career has taken him through many South Florida tropical cyclones, from Hurricane Andrew in 1992 to Hurricane Wilma in 2005 and every other hit and near-miss during and since that time period. He has worked in every aspect of hurricane forecasting, from assisting hurricane forecasters with data collection to writing forecasts and conducting local and national media interviews, as well as briefing local officials on expected storm impacts. As Warning Coordination Meteorologist, Molleda is responsible for overseeing the NWS warning program in South Florida, which requires frequent interaction with key partners such as emergency management officials and media representatives. He is also in charge of the local NWS public awareness and outreach program; conducting weather-related information and safety presentations to many entities including local and regional government, civic organizations, business groups and schools. Molleda holds a bachelor’s degree in meteorology from Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.
11:00 – 12:00
Director of Emergency Management, Palm Beach County
Bill Johnson is the Director of the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management; he joined Palm Beach County in April 2010. During his tenure, he has guided the County in its response to several disaster incidents, including Tropical Storm Isaac in September 2012, Hurricane Matthew in October 2016, and Hurricane Irma in September 2017. He has led his Division staff to become one of only 90 nationally accredited emergency management programs. Prior to Palm Beach County, Bill worked for two years as the Assistant Director of the Broward County Emergency Management Division and three years in the private sector as the Director of the Emergency Management Program for the Florida market for the URS Corporation. Before that, he served as the Assistant Director for the Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management for nearly 11 years. Bill has been deployed to several major disasters including to New York City’s Emergency Operations Center to assist with incident command after the 9/11 “Attacks on America.” Before his emergency management career, he worked in Miami-Dade County’s trauma agency, worked as a flight nurse-medic, and as the director of a Level II trauma center in Wisconsin. He is a registered nurse, certified paramedic, and certified emergency manager.
12:30 – 1:00
Sheriff, Palm Beach County
Sheriff Ric Bradshaw is a career law enforcement professional responsible for leading the largest law enforcement agency in Palm Beach County. Sheriff Bradshaw has a successful track record of forty-nine (49) years in law enforcement. He rose through the ranks of the West Palm Beach Police Department and in 1996 was appointed Chief of Police. On January 4, 2005, Sheriff Bradshaw was sworn in as Sheriff of Palm Beach County. Sheriff Bradshaw is the thirteenth sheriff to serve as the county’s chief law enforcement officer since the agency’s origin in 1909. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office has six departments – Legal Affairs, Law Enforcement Operations, Community Operations, Corrections, Support Services, and Administrative Services. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 4,200 employees and approximately 5,000 volunteers. Sheriff Bradshaw has extensive knowledge and training in all aspects of law enforcement with a special emphasis on Domestic Security, Field Operations and community based policing. His excellent inter-personal and communication skills demonstrate competence as a leader who “gets things done,” yet maintains a balance between assertiveness and diplomacy while always remembering that his first and foremost duty is to keep citizens safe.
Sheriff Ric Bradshaw is Chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Emergency Task Force for Region 7, a member of the Executive Board of the FBI’s Joint Terrorist Task Force, Chairman of Regional Domestic Security Task Force for Region 7, the Palm Beach County Chiefs of Police, member of the Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud Strike Force, Law Enforcement Planning Council, Police Executive Research Forum, Florida Sheriff’s Association and has been designated Who’s Who in Academic Excellence in America.
Sheriff Bradshaw’s educational experience includes Bachelor of Science Degree with honors in Human Resources Management and a Masters of Science in Administration with honors-with a specialization in Emergency Management, he also graduated from the Administrative Officers Course at the Southern Police Institute, University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky.
1:00 – 2:00
A presentation on preparation, mitigation and recovery.
2:00 – 2:30
State Attorney, Palm Beach County
Dave Aronberg was elected State Attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in November 2012 and re-elected without opposition in 2016. He is a former Assistant Attorney General, White House Fellow and Florida Senator.
As State Attorney, Aronberg leads a team of 120 prosecutors and 220 professional staff in five offices throughout Palm Beach County. Aronberg’s leadership has led to a significant increase in conviction rates for both felonies and misdemeanors, a decrease in the number of juveniles direct filed into adult court, and a greatly improved working relationship with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
In July 2016, he created a Sober Homes Task Force that has made more than 85 arrests for patient brokering and insurance fraud in the rehab industry, and has led to new Florida laws and regulations that have become the model for other states. Aronberg’s efforts also convinced Google to restrict advertisements and improve screening for addiction treatment. The crackdown in rogue sober homes and corrupted drug treatment led to a 40% decrease in opioid overdose deaths in Palm Beach County in 2018, compared to 2017.
Dave Aronberg was born in Miami. He attended public schools before going on to graduate with honors from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. After graduation, he worked in the litigation department of a large South Florida law firm while also working closely with then Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson to investigate European insurance companies that refused to honor World War II-era policies sold to victims of the Holocaust. In 2000, Aronberg was selected to be one of 15 White House Fellows from across the country. In this nonpartisan position, he served in two presidential administrations as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury Department for international money laundering, including the laundering of terrorist assets.
Dave Aronberg was elected to the State Senate in 2002 as its youngest member and served until 2010. Focusing on criminal justice and consumer protection issues, Aronberg passed major identity theft and port security legislation and served as the Chairman of the Military Affairs and Domestic Security Committee. He also served as Chair of the Everglades Restoration Committee, where he advocated for accelerating water storage projects and additional State and Federal support for Florida’s “River of Grass.”
In 2010, Aronberg returned to the Florida Attorney General’s Office as a Special Prosecutor for Prescription Drug Trafficking. In his role as the Attorney General’s “Drug Czar,” Aronberg led an anti-pill mill initiative that helped clean up the pain clinic industry and reduced the record number of people dying each day from oxycodone abuse. His work to save lives from drug overdoses continues as a top priority to this day.
2:30 – 3:00
Chief Meteorologist, WPBF News
WPBF 25 First Warning Weather’s Mike Lyons is in his 28th year of tracking South Florida’s ever-changing weather as part of the only team Certified Most Accurate in the market.
Combining his decades of experience with expertise of the latest technology, he forecasts weekdays on WPBF 25 News at 5 and 11 p.m. No matter the threat, Mike jumps on air with Live, Local, Late-Breaking coverage, keeping viewers informed minute-by-minute until the danger has passed.
Since arriving at WPBF 25 in 1991, Mike has covered every major weather event including: Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the “storm of the century” in 1993, Hurricane Floyd in 1999, Frances, Jeanne and Wilma during the 2004 and 2005 seasons, Matthew in 2016, and Irma in 2017.
Mike has earned a number of awards for his on-air work, including special recognition from the National Hurricane Conference, the Governor’s Hurricane Conference, and as Broadcaster of the Year from the National Weather Association.
Mike is constantly out in the community informing viewers about the power of severe weather and how to prepare for it. When he’s not on the air, you’ll often find Mike visiting local schools and educating children on Mother Nature.
An avid golfer, Mike lives with his family in Jupiter.