We are delighted to announce the launch of The Cambridge Security Journal.
Encouraged by the success of our newsletter, News You Can Use, we’ve created a new, more robust publication. Each issue of The Cambridge Security Journal will take an in-depth look at the security challenges facing organizations and industries nationwide. Drawing upon the opinions of our executive team, we’ll discuss best practices for assessing a security risk, deterring the threat, and minimizing losses in the event of a threat.
Our first issue puts the spotlight on Event Security. We look at the myriad of security functions that must be addressed at any event; offer snapshots of security at three actual events; and go behind the scenes to find out how security works at a weeklong professional golf tournament. Read on! To get your copy of The Cambridge Security Journal Issue 1, visit: http://cambridgesecurityservices.com/wp2/the-cambridge-security-journal/.
In the months ahead, we’ll be exploring concerns in Healthcare, Residential and Commercial Buildings, Transportation and Retail. We’ll announce each new issue with an email, which offers you a taste of the full content, and through our social media channels, LinkedIn and Facebook. If you’re not on our email list, please sign up at: http://cambridgesecurityservices.com/wp2/sign-up-for-the-cambridge-security-journal/
For current Cambridge news, please follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn. We’ll keep you up-to-date with our news as it happens.