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Written and produced by the Cambridge Security executive team, The Cambridge Security Journal is a professional publication that looks at the security challenges facing organizations nationwide—and discusses best practices for assessing the risk of these challenges, deterring the threat, and adopting procedures designed to minimize losses in the event of a threat. Each bimonthly issue focuses on a single topic, so that we can bring you the kind of in-depth coverage we hope you’ll find genuinely useful.
Our first issue puts the spotlight on event security. We take a look at the myriad of security functions that must be addressed at any event; offer snapshots of security at three actual events; and go behind the scenes to find out how security works at a weeklong golf tournament. In the months ahead, we’ll explore other topics starting with Healthcare, Residential and Commercial Buildings, Transportation, and then Retail.

The Cambridge Security Journal is not meant to be a promotional piece. We believe we’ll earn more respect by sharing good information than we will by telling you how great we are (we’ll save that for our ads).
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, we hope you’ll share them with us by visiting our media room or sending an email to
We look forward to hearing from you, and hope you enjoy reading the The Cambridge Security Journal!